Sample interview questions: How do you ensure the stability and erosion control of dam embankments?
Sample answer:
- Proper Site Selection:
- Conduct detailed geologic and geotechnical investigations to assess the stability of the foundation and identify potential erosion-prone areas.
Choose a location with sound bedrock or stable soil conditions to minimize the risk of embankment failure.
Zoning and Compaction:
- Divide the embankment into zones based on the materials’ properties and their role in the dam’s stability.
Compact each zone according to specified density and moisture content requirements to ensure proper embankment performance.
Adequate Drainage System:
- Design and construct a comprehensive drainage system to control seepage and prevent internal erosion.
Incorporate drainage blankets, filters, and toe drains to effectively manage water flow within the embankment.
Slope Design:
- Determine appropriate slope angles for the upstream and downstream faces of the embankment based on the soil properties and stability analyses.
Implement measures like berms, benches, and riprap to enhance slope stability and reduce erosion.
Erosion Protection:
- Utilize erosion-resistant materials such as riprap, concrete, or geosynthetics to protect the embankment surfaces from erosion caused by wave action, rainfall, or seepage.
Install energy dissipators at the toe of the embankment to minimize scour and erosion.
Vegetation Management:
- Establish a vegetation cover on the downstream slope of the embankment to promote erosion control and enhance slope stability.
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