How do you ensure that highway designs consider the needs of pedestrians with mobility aids?

Sample interview questions: How do you ensure that highway designs consider the needs of pedestrians with mobility aids?

Sample answer:

  1. Gather Data on Pedestrian Needs:
  2. Conduct mobility aid user surveys to understand their unique needs and preferences.
  3. Analyze pedestrian crash data to identify high-risk areas for mobility aid users.
  4. Collect information on the number and types of mobility aids used in the area.

  5. Design Accessible Pedestrian Facilities:

  6. Provide curb ramps at all intersections and mid-block crossings to ensure smooth access for wheelchairs and other mobility aids.
  7. Install tactile paving or detectable warning surfaces at crosswalks to alert visually impaired pedestrians of approaching traffic.
  8. Design sidewalks with adequate width (minimum 5 feet) to accommodate wheelchairs and other mobility aids.
  9. Incorporate curb extensions and pedestrian refuge islands to provide safe crossing zones for slower-moving pedestrians.
  10. Install accessible pedestrian signals with audible cues and extended crossing times.

  11. Consider Grade and Slope:

  12. Design sidewalks and crosswalks with gentle slopes (maximum 5%) to facilitate easy movement for mobility aid users.
  13. Avoid steep grades that may hinder the movement of wheelchairs and other mobility aids.

  14. Provide Clear Signage and Markings… Read full answer


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